Hang Tags
As a clothing manufacturer, the marketing of your products is not complete after you’ve produced an advertising campaign or established a web presence. Even if you’re getting your clothing carried by major retail chains and have great clothing labels, there might be a missing piece to the puzzle: hang tags. The wonderful thing about these tags attached by a piece of plastic, twine, or string is that they function as a small billboard or a kind of business card, and they communicate your branding to a customer. Additionally, once removed, that’s often not the end of the hang tag. That’s why it’s important to get a great design and, even more important, to work with the right label printer, Hi-Tech Printing and Labeling Inc.
Attracting customers is not as simple as it is with a billboard. With hang tags, you have reversed the established norm in a way. In all likelihood, the customer is going to notice the clothing item first and then handle the hang tag, even as the clothing hangs on a rack in the store. This is a great opportunity to show the customer what kind of brand identity you’ve established. A well-printed tag will bring this across with clear images and appealing materials. At Hi-Tech Printing and Labeling Inc., we can take a great design and bring it to the consumer with full-color prints and materials, so appealing, customers will find them so appealing, they’ll hesitate to throw them away.
There’s no single way to get your design right, but it’s widely known that customers respond to creative hang tags. Don’t let your message get lost in a mess of shoddy printing and unattractive paper that consumers will be eager to toss. We’re the label manufacturers that know how to get hang tags right.